Saturday, December 4, 2010

On Saying Things

May 12, 1926

There is always a beautiful way to say things. Just as there is a beautiful way to act or to build a house or to finish a room.

The lovely character cannot help but give expression to beautiful thoughts that come out into words full of pleasing appeal.

Everyone, upon maturity, has a way of expressing themselves in words. And this way gives you the key to their character. It may be a beautiful or an ugly way that they may have.

But there is always a beautiful way to say everything. Nothing so cuts into one's heart as a mis-spoken word that falls clumsily. Rarely, perhaps, the hurt was meant at all. Nevertheless when a word has gone from the lips, it cannot be recalled. Yours may go, but so long as memory lives, the scar of a mis-spoken word may remain.

It is fine to forgive and forget so far as in your power lies, but to be highly tuned to the receipt of beautiful words from a warm and understanding heart is to own one of the finest gifts God gives to human beings.

The beautiful way of saying things to everybody you know or meet is the only way. The other way wasn't meant at all.

If you can't speak sincerely and well, then don't speak at all. Silence leaves no sad memories.

The happy voice over the telephone, the earyly morning greeting, the first words after separation from your friends—how important to make them full of beauty, vibrant with the soul of you!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


May 11, 1926

Most of the way down the narrow road of this life, we have to travel alone. And a great deal of the way is passed in hunger.

But there are compensations, and these light the way and perfume the very air—even when it is heavy with the mist of yesterday's rain.

God has sprinkled beauty in this world in lavish fashion. The hills and moutains, the streams that clatter over their beds of white stones with a song upon their rippling lips, the music that leaps from the throats of hundreds of different varieties of birds, the matchless flowers in their gorgeous gowns and scented as only God could perfume them, and then your friends—few, perhaps—but many so genuine and true. And to a few, "love's brief immortality."

Everywhere compensations for our losses. And so often we dwell upon our losses without measuring our gains which may far outweight them.

So I would say: Believe in yourself. Look life in the eye. Smile at its hurts. Do not cringe under the lash.

William De Morgan was past 60 before his first novel was published, but when he died many years later he was one of the most noted writers in the world. Goethe finished "Faust" at the age of 80. Henry Ford was unknown in the world of businesses at 40. Col. W. R. Nelson was 40 when he started his Kansas City Star which has recently been appraised as worth more than six millions of dollars. Peary was around 50 years of age when he finally planted the stars and stripes at the North Pole.

These men had to believe in themselves. If they hadn't no one else ever would have known their remarkable abilities.

We sleep to wake.

Believe in yourself.

Monday, November 22, 2010


May 10, 1926

If we always understood, we wouldn't make any mistakes. The story of the human race has always been one of groping and striving. The unknowable. That something which might satify.

Moment by moment, hour by hour, days into years, this reaching, this dreaming, this longing of the mind and heart and soul goes on.

Every step out of ignorance is a step toward God and His world.

Happiness is a relative term, in its last analysis and yet unless there be interests in life that tend to create and build out of that which lies so dormant in our natures, we can know little happiness. We try to act independently. But that is impossible.

Everything we do or think is eternally woven into the endless skein of human throb and feeling. Somebody, somewhere is always affected by what we think or do.

You may this day be storing in your heart that which may not blood for years.

The explorer is always a benefactor. The achievement in itself is trivial to him. It is enough for him to feel that in the doing of his job there may also rest the end.

So it is that we have our expeditions to the ends of the earth. Our pole searchers, and those to whom dark continents and the charted "unexplored" mean only a search for knowledge and a desire to understand.

We are most misjudged by the ignorant by our sincerest searches after true expression and the largest development of our natures. Not being us, they, of course, are unable to travel with us.

What an epitaph for any man: "He strove to understand!"

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Passing of Old Ways

May 8, 1926


THE new today seems to be in the saddle. Changes are rapid and radical. So that we look upon the old as something far, far away.

But attractive as all new things are, there is something so mellow, rich and tried about the old. As in the case of an old friend who has gone through all our faults, our strange and often irritating ways, but who has caught the gold and lived on that.

Most of us prefer the new to the old, but every experience is blessed where we come in contact with something that has long been tried and which has stood the test.

To go into an old house a hundred or so years old, or to sit upon the ledge of a rock foundation that has held a beautiful structure for a long, long time is to feel the silent spirit of all that has hovered there.

I like the old farms that have stood for years. I like to wander over them. I like to listen to the stories of those who have worked them and loved them for so long.

What would we do without memory to sweeten this cup of life?

How memory beautifies every experience of life. I lifted from my desk among some choice papers today a letter that was written to me by my mother over a quarter of a century ago. It took me back to all that boyhood. The familiar hand, the quiet smile and warm arms that were always warm. The quaint humor but always and always that gentle solicitation for "my darling boy."

One works better, surer and happier anyway after one has crept back into he old things and old ways of old friends—if only to get a new, fresh breath.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


May 7, 1926



For 15 years this little machine has been my companion. In a room of quiet, and one so often silently lonely, each small key has imprinted upon the page the simple thoughts from my heart.

It has written nothing new. Just human expressions of one mind, colored by the better thoughts of other minds, but bathed in the heart of this writer's desires.

Have they been worth while? This little typewritter won't say. It simply serves these fingers. Fingers that have tried at so many other tasks—but this at least the happiest of all.

Just thoughts from a very imperfect and often blundering life. Thoughts inspired by the beauty and loveliness of others, sweetened by the sweetness of nobler lives.

This little typewritter is my sacred shrine sometimes. Because I tell it so much. Often what I tell it never gets farther than its imprint—and then is tucked away or else destroyed. Because we had our little talk anyway. And sometimes all we need is the little talk—even though merely given to the faithful and obedient machine.

For, you see, the one you want most of all to talk to isn't always around. Maybe just in your heart where you store your hunger and your love.

But many of the simple talks go out into the big world, as this and others have gone.

This little typewritter is always ready. It never finds fault. But I think it does keep saying: "Do better, do better, do better!"

Of course, we never know whether it is worth its keep, but we keep talking to it anyway.

We do so much not knowing why. Perhaps sometime it will all be explained.




All risks are a test of faith.
Obscurity may be the greatness with nobody around to announce it.
This we know, that God took great risks in placing each one of us in the world. But it isn't what we fail or achieve in that marks our worth. Often it is what we fail in totally, so long as the purpose and intention were fine.
The chambered nautilus casts off its outgrown shell. Each changing purpose of our lives gives newer zest and clothes new tasks.
If we do nothing that involves risks, we are apt to do nothing worth mentioning.
The tiny baby in its warm, soft clothes sleeps to its risks. But in a few years it finds itself wound about with their urge.
We are enveloped with risks. What we gain, we gain by risking.
With the crumbling or our fondest desires, we are faced with an horizon of risks. We challenge our ignoreance again and again. And our intelligence is asserted only as we newly arise and determine to risk more.
When things don't look plain, there is always the cloud of confusion about. And you have to risk a great deal to get out of a cloud. You say: "Why are clouds?" But you know why when they have passed.
"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"
And if risks gather, isn't happiness worth the risk?

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Gettysburg Times - Apr 30, 1926


You cannot recall hours. They trot by in single file one by one—but they never turn and look back. When they have passed, they have gone forever.

Those hours mean all in all to you. They glitter with gold. They are saturated with the most precious perfume. They dangle with opportunities. But they say nothing. They have no publicity agenda. Their silence is as impressuve as the grave. And yet all the color of life and hope beams from their separate 60 minutes!

Walt Mason, the unique and original writer of rhymes, once spoke of these travelling hours by telling people to "ride them till their backs are sore." "For," said he, "60 minutes have you—60 minutes—and no more."

The great task of education should be, not to fill our mind with things that would clog it, but with ideas that would move other ideas through that mind—keep it clean, fit to easily and quickly grasp useful information and interests, and as quickly to discard that which might never prove of use.

Fifteen minutes today given to selected reading every day in the year would give to any man or woman a fund or information in a very short time that the wisest, a hundred years ago, would have been proud to possess.

But how many—even the most intelligent—ever give this brief space of time to additional learning? How many make it a point to hunt out some new item of information each day?

If there are days in which you find it impossible to read, a few moments given at odd times to what you have read, or seen or heard, in serious thinking, will be as fresh food to the mind.

It was said of Hercules, the god or force, that "whether he sat, or walked, or whatever he did, he conquered." So, with you, no matter where you are, or what you may be doing, think, use your eyes, and rise just a little higher in thought space.

Don't waste a single minute. You need them all. Everybody does.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Gettysburg Times - Apr 24, 1926


One of my friends, who is a famous writer, Don Herold by name, told me the other day that he had discarded all his idea files and memoranda slips, and that now he just wanted a clean mind and a clean piece of paper.

I have thought a great deal of my friend's statement. I wonder if most of us wouldn't profit if we started each day with a clean mind and a clean piece of paper.

The trouble with many of us is that we carry too much with us as we go along until we get our lives themselves all cluttered up and confused.

I have a friend who never gets stampeded. He cleans up as he goes. He seems ready at all times for the handling of a big or small problem. I often consult him feeling the strength of his superior control.

I have noted that when catastrophe or misfortune comes to such a part he never flinches and though all may be wiped from under his feet, he stands on his feet as nobly proud as before—and just goes on to rebuild better for all that he has lost.

Chicago and San Francisco built greater and better after having been burned and earthquaked.

That man or woman whose character has been through the fire, tried, tested and refined, has something to show the world for it all. And such people nearly always live to prove their worth.

It is no disgrace to start all over. It's usually an opportunity.

A clean mind, a clean piece of paper, an appreciation of all worth and goodness, of all beauty in this world, is something that no legacy no matter how rich or great, could possibly give.


Gettysburg Times - Apr 24, 1926


There is in the lives of all of us at times—that somebody. That somebody who understands, who steps up and helps without being asked, that somebody who gives the glass of cool, fresh water, who soothes the troubled brow and presses the hand—just knowing, that's all.

That somebody who comes from nowhere seemingly, who wasn't expected, who didn't want to be detected—but how only wanted to be of service.

That somebody who is so fully acquainted with trouble, who has known defeat, who has walked the wine-press of genuine sorrow, that somebody who doesn't parade, who cares not at all for show, but who never hesitates at convention, or anything else if something generous and useful and beautiful may be performed.

That somebody who smiles at disaster, who brushes aside unjust criticism and walks proudly to the place where he feels that he can do a good job and then pass on.

That somebody to whom sleep and rest seem trivial when another cannot sleep and rest, that somebody with the super-human soul who sweetens the world with his breath as a flower with its perfume.

That somebody who is not afraid to soil his hands in toil, that somebody who who would go hungry to feed another, that somebody who doesn't care for display, acclaim or applause.

That somebody who is always looking around that he may find something unique to do at some unexpected moment for someone who needs it most.

You can't do too much for that somebody. You can't be too kind, too gentle, too thoughtful, too generous to that—somebody.


Gettysburg Times - Apr 23, 1926


It is a little strange how just faith works. Especially when that faith comes out of the heart of someone else and is applied to you.

We keep our chins quite a deal higher because someone else has faith in us.

The misfortune of others touch us because we, too, have had them.

We have wanted people to pat us on the back, encouraging us. And so we take our opportunity to pat someone else on the back.

In reading a lovely book the other evening, called "Footsteps in a Parish" by John Timothy Stone, I came across this sentence about the man for whom the book was written: "To know Dr. Babcock well, to realize what a friend he could be—one must have trouble."

Faith given one in trouble often changes the course of one's life. A large number of the failures that are strewn about us are failures largely because faith wasn't poured their way.

When somebody has faith in us, and we know it, then we begin to climb.

But just let one person who is near and dear to us lose faith in us—and then the sun goes behind a cloud at once.

We would rather have our pay in this life come to us in the shape of faith in any other way.

Then why not put your faith in someone else? Why not keep giving your faith away—out at "interest", for instance?


Gettysburg Times - Apr 20, 1926


Every day we live with things of marvelous value—not realizing or appreciating their worth. Most of these things are small in themselves.

It seems to be the habit of most people to let the most interesting, most beautiful, and the most fascinating things of human life just pass along. Like the tiny flower that waits so patiently in the valleys for someone to come along and love it—or even to notice it.

The little trifles of courtesy, thoughtfulness and consideration to many appear old fashioned and trite.

But it is by rightly appraising these very things in their value to human life, character and happiness that we learn the true and beautiful value of friendship itself.

Trifles of love and thoughtfulness are what make up the great spots in this universe.

There are plenty of people who go out of their way to do something spectacular, something that will attract attention to their deeds, but to do the out-of-the-way thing, and just be happy and satisfied over doing it is quite the rare thing.

Trifles that spring from the heart to be poured into someone's life are like rare gems.

Simple gifts, small remembrances, sacrifices that are genuine—these things renovate the heart and cleanse it for the larger efforts of life.

The little things, trifles, are the privilege of all.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Gettusburg Times - Apr 17, 1926


In the summer of 1909 Theodore Roosevelt and Robert E. Peary met. Peary was about to set out on the ship “Roosevelt” for his final dash to attain the North Pole.

Each man grasped the other's hand. Roosevelt looked into the eyes of the great and intrepid explorer and gave this as his final goodbye: “I believe in you, Peary.”

April 6, 1909, the North Pole listened to the waving of the Stars and Stripes!

Many who visited the World's Fair in Chicago in the early nineties remember that famous picture: “Breaking Home Ties.” There were the different members of the family, including the dog. But the face and figure of the mother predominated in interest. It silently uttered: “My boy, I believe in you.”

You can walk around with a darkened heart. Tears may wash its walls. The lights may all be dimmed, and the wind and rain of the outer world may chill each one of its chambers. But if there can yet be heard within this divine creation of the great God just one echoing voice of faith and love from but a single one beloved and that voice saying but this “I believe in you,” then nothing else matters.

All of us at times breathe with an instinct of heaven in our souls.

Empires have been lost, states have been dissolved, cities have been deserted, and choice human beings have stumbled, starved in heart, and fallen in their trucks—all because there wasn't somebody around to say: “I believe in you!”

How cheap and gross is admiration, flattery, adulation and mechanical applause beside this little touch of words, imported from the stars: "I believe in you.”

After that, life, with all its impossible tasks, becomes possible. And worries melt like fresh dew before the morning sun.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Gettysburg Times - Apr 16, 1926


It is only when the brave and simple nobility of some unheard of one shames us that we come to realize how really unimportant and useless we are.

No matter how hard we try to be somebody or to do something worth while it is little enough.

We shuttle too much through this life.

Ideals don't always have the gold rays of the sun upon them. Often they are darkened by the clouds of a storm. But it is our faith—that comes from somewhere—that leads us always and eventually into the light again.

No matter what we do for others, no matter how we try to make this world a little happier, it is never enough.

We can never be too kind, never do too much to make the way of some one else less difficult, never give too much of love.

The world is full of cravers. The hunger of the heart, of the soul, is a far nobler hunger than ever that of the body.

When the rain falls and the winds blow, adding gloom and loneliness, it is a little enough to go out of your way to do something that will put a light into the window of a life darkened by discouragement and loss.

How just a little bunch of white daisies changes all!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Gettysburg Times - Apr 14, 1926


Who can tell how a house is furnished by looking at its exterior? Who can tell the manner of a man by looking him over from the outside? Can a soul be translated as the school boy does his Latin? Why is it that people are so misjudged? And why is it that imperfect men and women take such storming pleasure in picking out and glorying in the faults and imperfections of their own kind?

There are hard questions to answer. The outside of a man or woman after all, is but the curtain that hides nobility, beauty and great heroism.

There is nothing more coward in the world than to impugn the motive of a human being or to cast a shadow of reproach upon one whose inner life you know nothing about.

Life is hard enough at the best. Imperfect people in an imperfect world do not make for perfection.

That's why we have God to whom we may all go and open our silent hearts. Into whose perfect heart we may pour all our problems and our griefs.

The crust of character is for the world, but the inner heart that is so often bathed with tears is only for the eye and love of the Great Father of us all.

It takes the courage of a conqueror to pass through some of the byways of this world.

But we know that there are plenty of this sort—else from where do out older friends come?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Gettysburg Times - Apr 13, 1926


The business of life is largely learning just how to live.

And the best way to live is to help others to live. The closer we knit our efforts, our desires and our successes to others, the better we achieve our fondest ambitions.

The late Russell H. Conwell, to my notion, was one of the world's greatest men. He died poor, after having earned and given away millions to others. He left a great university which he founded, and endowed thousands of lives with the new hope, inspiration and education. I heard this man give his famous lecture "Acre of Diamonds" when I was a boy and what he said has given me the great inspiration all through the years.

Conwell knew just how to make people happier and hus geniality, his rare humor and his beautiful unselfishness left this world his debtor far beyond even the millions he so generously gave away.

And just how you take life, too, is a measure of what you get from it.

One tiller of the soil will bring out double what another will. Simply because he just knows how.

The making and keeping of friends is a matter of knowing just how it pays to think, study, observe, plan, and work far in advance—
just so that at the proper moment you may know just how.

You only need a little bit of heaven each day in your heart to make all the people of the earth very much akin to you.




RICHARD JEFFERIES in his book “The Story of my Heart,” says many beautiful things. Here is one: “The world would be the gainer if a Nile flood of new thought arose and swept away the past, concentrating the effort of all the races of the earth upon man's body, that it might reach an ideal of shape, and health, and happiness.”

We all live too deeply in traditions, old fancies and conventionalities.

A strong and able body gives forth fine thoughts through its brain, in the same way that a strong and well nourished stalk gives forth a beautiful flower.

And a healthy mind doesn't see decay and disease. It sees youth, freshness, unnumbered years in embryo, full of possible vitality, vibrant life and a happy soul-life budding far ahead in hidden years.

There is a fascination to the new. That is why we should all the time be searching for the new—trying it out, testing it, proving what is good, and holding to it, making it a part of what we leave to others.

A new thought should always prove an event to a man.

The past should stand out only as a picture, something to think over and profit from. Its influence upon human thought should be only as a piece of coloring to guide us in producing a greater picture, a finer work of art in human doing.

It takes courage to attempt the new. But then, what is life without the use of courage?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Gettysburg Times - Apr 8, 1926


The wisest man now living will never know but a portion of the mystery of the mind.

What a vital organ it is! Life is a blank without its perfect health. How it shapes all the ways and means of human activity.

There seems to be no limit to what the mind may achieve. What a spectacle when a strong man stands forth with a great idea or an unusual purpose and asserts the power of his mind. Who can withstand a determined mind that is working for a good beyond the little aims of self?

Hearsay, an article in a paper, or simply something merely imagined, may color and cloud the mind so that it affects the entire working of the body machine. It is possible for the man with little faith to pound away at the man of great faith until his faith is undermined.

How far a little kindness or encouragement goes!

There is nothing more cruel than to pour fresh discouragement upon the one already discouraged.

I have a friend who could not sleep all night because of something heard during the evening that savored of bad news. Later there were those who disabled the mind of my friend, encouraged him and proved to him that what he had heard was without foundation.

But the damage had been done.

If you cannot make your friend happy by what you have to say, say nothing. He power of the mind to bring beauty, strength, ambition, and a chance of heart to another, is one of its greatest blessings of the Creator.

Cheerful thoughts, dreamings, and noble desires make the mind more powerful. This mind is the greatest weapon we have for the guarding of our happiness.

Be careful what you say to others. It is possible for you to guide many life by the strength of your faith and the courage of your convictions, and to uphold a faltering spirit that has been poisoned by the whisperings of some stampeded person.

Always stand your ground and remember that there is no proof that the other fellow has a more powerful mind than you have. Nothing is powerful that doesn't get that way through use.


Gettysburg Times - Apr 6, 1926


Like the leader in a frightened flock, with the clouds gathering fast and the day darkening, and the win growing furious— that is the way I feel, God, and so I have rushed to You who are able and full of understanding.

Gather me to You in Your strong arms, God. Nobody is around—just You and Your frail creation. I am so disturbed. This impulsive makeup has overstepped itself. In its anxiety to climb just a little higher, do a little more good, find a little more beauty, it ran too fast—and so now it's all mixed up—frightened like the troubled sheep.

But, like the Shepherd of the sheep, whose soul is always stronger than the instinct of the dumb which He tends, please, God, pay attention to me!

Soothe with Your understanding warm, with Your sympathy, lift up with Your love. You see, God, I really need you more than I even knew myself.

For the frightened never quite realize their danger. If they did, they might be braver. But, being confused, and much lost to themselves, they flounder, and then have to run to someone who is strong enough to bring them back to themselves—and place them upon higher ground. Don't You see, God? And don't You see that this pleader is the one who needs so greatly?

Press me just a trifle tighter to Your heart, God. Let me feel the impulse of Your superior spirit. Quiet this throbbing pulse and give sleep to these restless nerves.

Be a mother to me, during this darkened spell, God. I need to be mothered. After that I can go back into the world and be a man. Strong—and unafraid.

But right now, I am a boy, with all the confusion of conflicting doubts and beliefs, full of ache, hungry in heart, ignorant in spirit.

Please, God, take care of this flounderer of Yours!

Friday, August 20, 2010


Gettysburg Times - Apr 3, 1926


Nobody has ever been able to improve upon nature. Yet there isn't a day that comes upon the weather or some phase of natural life.

What a world this would have been had everybody had their say first as to how it should have been built!

Knockers. No matter how good you build there is bound to be someone who will try to make you believe that you have done a bad job. Especially so if you have done an extraordinarily good job.

I read in my newspaper today an article by Barron G. Collier, who stated that competition never attacked a failure. Only a foolish find fault with the dead.

It takes a very strong man to attract enemies. The namby-pambies are merely pushed aside as a janitor would sweep up so much rubbish. Even the good fisherman doesn't like his fish to bite easily. He wants a scrap—a fight—a contest.

But these knockers. Are they successful? Have they friends? Have they risked, have they built, have they sacrificed anything? Whoever heard of a successful knocker?

Jesus said that the poor would always be with us. Not that He wanted poor people in the world of those who were unfortunate, but that He recognized a fact and knew, human nature.

How much simpler if we would take that attitude about the knockers and just let them slide along and go their weary way.

Knockers are a little like mosquitoes. They are also pesky and bothersome. But you can either pay no attention to them, of else go into the house—or somewhere.


Gettysburg Times - Apr 1, 1926


I spent last night reading the book that my friend Bruce Barton wrote a little while ago which he called “The Man Nobody Knows.”

I liked this book because he brought Jesus into my room and I was very happy with Him. I felt that this Jesus knew and understood my problems and that He didn't drop in to find fault with my many faults.

I felt it like Zacchaeus must have felt when he heard that Jesus was to pass through his town, and because he was so small in stature, he climbed a tree and waited till the famous man came along. And when He did come along, He looked up into the tree and said something in the spirit of these words: “What are you doing up there, Zacchaeus? Come on down. I have heard a great deal about you and I want to take dinner with you at your house tonight.”

How thrilled this business man must have been. You see the thing that made him get up into that tree was that he believed that there was something very great about Jesus and he was determined to find out what it was.

Immediately the folks about Jesus ran up to Him and whispered to Him that that fellow was not the kind for Him to see or to talk to and that it would hurt His reputation to go to his house. But Jesus went.

That's why I have always liked Jesus. I am sure that, had I lived when he did, I would have wanted to see Him and talk with Him. And I know that He would have been glad to see me. I wouldn't have been embarrassed in talking to Him either, I am sure.

Bruce Barton and I have often talked about this Jesus over a luncheon table. I can't understand why He isn't talked about more. A character so sweet, so strong, so magnetic, so real and human. I wish more people would write books about Jesus as Bruce Barton has. All of our problems, personal, national and worldwide, would be better solved if we knew Jesus better and loved Him more.

The most puzzling problem clears itself, standardized by the love, common sense and vision of this Jesus, whom nearly everybody has heard about, but whom so few really know.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Gettysburg Times - Mar 27, 1926


The ways of a strong man are very difficult to fathom. That's why he is big.

It's the little dog that barks and snaps and irritates. The big man smiles under the lash of criticism, insult and calumny. He sees far below the surface of things. His dealings are with and for the big stakes—with the good of the largest number, perhaps of nations, in view.

So that when a simple, great man dies, it is long afterward that the world wakes up to his value and appreciates his worth.

He who understands does not resent. Resentment is the play of little minds.

Before the insults of Pilate, Jesus said not a word, so that all Pilates could say for argument or explanation was this: "Behold the man!"

Instead of showing resentment at an imagined wrong, or even if it is a real one, try the procedure of not minding and go on about your work. Immediately you will have risen in stature an noble bearing.

When you are tempted to hurt another just remember this—there are hurts enough in the world already.

Resentment always harms. It leaves a scar. It cools the heart and puts a premium upon the royalty of friendship which shoud always be a thing of sweetness and freedom.

We pay for our losses as well as for our gains. But when we gain in respect and confidence from our gifts to others, we leave no regrets behind.

Be superior to resentment.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Gettysburg Times - March 26, 1926

By George Matthew Adams

I often regret that I have to be introduced to everyone I am expected to talk to or to try to convert into a friend.

It is too bad that we can't intermingle as a family and not as separate identities fearful of one another.

If nations knew and understood one another, they would never be so foolis as to try to wreck this fine relationship through war and murder.

Yet the fact remains that we let people into our hearts and lives rather reluctantly. We are afraid they will take something we might leave around unlocked.

But the very fact of our aloofness adds suspicion and encourages that lack of trust and warmth we so much crave on all sides of our social life.

There are more good people than bad in this world. And the bad are often better than the good!

Jesus took as His companions many whom He mistrusted. He knew people. Buthe loved all people. Sooner or later He knew that the world would catch up to His ideals and make them everyday affairs for practical purposes.

You never know when you may turn the current of another's life to ward the mountains where big things are bred and are born.

Use care in letting people into your heart, your business, your home and your confidece—but if, when once entered, they betray you, then let it be said and felt as well that something rich and fine left you with their betrayal.

You can't punish other people. They always punish themselves.

Be as human as you know you can never be inhuman.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Gettysburg Times - Mar 25, 1926


By George Matthew Adams

Play occupies a greater part in the real happines of life than almost any other element.

The man or woman who gives all his time to work and no play early grows cramped and sour. Play takes youth by the hand and leads it into middle life and touches old age with beauty, giving a striking and gorgeous beauty to all life as the summer clouds make opals amongst the rays of the dying sun.

No time to play? Isn't it life for which we live? Isn't happiness the goal of all our ambitions? And what a worker play makes of a man!

On the other hand, work may be made largely play. The most trying and strenuous job in the world is that of President of the United States. Yet when President Roosevelt was about to retire, after two of the most strenuous terms in history, he grinned and said: "I've had a bully time!" It is too bad that the world had to lose so great a man so soon. I don't believe that Roosevelt would ever have grown old.

Tennis, horse-back riding, boxing, affairs of state and of the world—these were a part of the daily life of Roosevelt. (And hunting in parts of half a dozen countries thrown in for a vacation time.)

Youth should be taught that work must be made a part of play, and that all work really can be made play.

The healthy and wholesome city is that one which devotes most to the recreational phase of its community.

College life would be dull and drab without play. "I love my work." That attitude is what gives zest and happiness to any worker.

Let's never forget how and when to play!


Gettysburg Times - Mar 24, 1926

By George Matthew Adams

This is an old subject. But it is one we think of probably more than any other, for it is the very foundation of our hope, here and now and is the substance of our belief in eternal life.

Faith closes our eyes at night and opens them in the morning. Faith tiptoes into our chambers and tells us of the day. Then it trails along with us throughout the hours and sustains us in all our various activities.

We think out our ideas. We weigh them. Then we dress them up in the clothes of Faith and send them out into the world.

We do business every hour and every day on faith. Everything we eat, drink, or use, we give our faith to. When we go on a long journey, we place our faith in the man who runs the train, our automobile, or our ship.

When we get low and a storm cloud of worry comes our way, Faith is the sunshine that sooner or later clears the storm.

The farmer toils and the sweat rolls from his brow as he turns the soil, but he is cheerful and happy for he has faith that his labors will be fruitful.

You can't keep house, or school, or your shop without faith.

We all do different things with our faith. It doesn't matter so much what. For faith is to apply and no two do the same job the same way.

Faith is to keep us sweet and unbending in courage. Faith is to keep us on the way that is safest, not the swiftest of the shortest.

Faith leads up by the hand.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Mar 23, 1926

The cheapest commodity in this world is advice. That's why so many people give it away.
Advice should be something to keep until asked for.
We all need suggestions to guide us along the way. But advice should be sought or else its power for helpfulness becomes doubtful.
You see, advice that you give to someone may have been thought out as good advice for yourself but turn out to be the worst possible advice for another.
Circumstancs often wither the best of advice so that it is in the way.
To keep one's mouth shut is an accomplishment both rare and refreshing.
The lawyer sells his advice. And the client gladly pays a great sum to his lawyer because he has faith in his advice.
There are so many things that we could give away and which would make other people very happy, so that advice really takes a back seat and is of little importance excepting when highly cultivated through experience of special study and research.
How many times we have given our advice only to see it come back to us in a very happy state of mind and full of blame.
But kindness, generous impulses that have been put to action sincere love, encouragement, inspiring words, never come back except when they return with interest compounded again and again.
Seek advice, but do not give it.


Thursday, April 15, 2010


The Quebec Daily Telegraph - Apr 8, 1922


I would rather attempt and fail a thousand times at something in which I had put my heart, than to win with a single bound at something that held only some temporary thrill.

Somehow big, bold things grip my heart and being!

It was a big, bold thing to think out a way to cut a water road across the Isthmus of Panama. But it was done—by big, old men.

A few years ago, those who thought the time would come when we would be safely sailing through the air and sending messages round the world merely by way of space, were termed dreamers and fools. They had big, bold visions—the kind that always come true!

The big, bold things in the world's progress are planned by big, bold men.

Big, bold things! They are the only inspirers. In them may we delve and sweat and thrive. For though we may temporarily fail—we can never loose.—George Matthew Adams.

Ruth Draper, Interpreter

The Day - Jan 9, 1922

Ruth Draper, Interpreter


I like to write about and praise people who now live, while yet they are pouring out benefits for the betterment of the world. I like people to know that I appreciate them and their art of work.

Recently I went to hear Ruth Draper, whom I consider one of the greatest artists it has been my privilege to hear. They call her an Impersonator. But that is not what she is at all. She is an Interpreter—and even more than that.

She is the granddaughter, I believe, of Charles A. Dana, the great founder of the New York Sun. And surely the genius of that wonderful understander of human character has descended to this woman, for she actually flows into and becomes one with the characters she depicts.

She gives you a New England character in one of her sketches. You see the very porch where the farmer's wife sits. You seem to hear the creak of the old chair, the hen's cackle and the dog barking as the woman clatters on. Ruth Draper disappears and the characters, as they actually are, walk and talk before you.

Real tears come and roll down yours cheeks before you know it when she leads you into an old Western railway station to see them ring in the wounded from a wrecked train. And as you catch the humor and pathos of one character after another, you now that this artist has brought you a clearer understanding of human nature and of life—that she has brought a lot of sweetness into your life that had been all too dead before.

Ruth Draper etches characters on the stage as Whistler did on copper. And with as infinite skill. And one of the frist things you note about her is that she is so simple, so modest, so very honest. She has no tricks.

Though is has been weeks since I heard this extraordinary artist, her characters are following me everywhere. They rise before me as I go to work, and often I find them coming into my room at night, after te lights are out, and into my library when the lights are on. You see, they were very real—and somehow I like real folks.

I have heard no woman artist to compare with Ruth Draper since Bernhardt. And I am wondering whether the Divine Sarah, at miss Draper's age, could have been so great.


The Milwaukee Sentinel - Nov 21, 1921



Wars or no wars, the hero will continue to be worshipped.

The reason is plain—we depend upon the outward thrills of life to build the fires of inspiration within us.

The hero becomes a hero because he has put something into the world that we would like to have put there. He has had courage and vision. And he has used his determination to weld these two into a completed task.

I recently stood on the side lines and watched the illustrous hero, Marshal Foch, pass by. Great crowds went wild with enthusiasm. And the simple man acknowledged the plaudits in the most dignified and democratic manner. For it must be remembered that Foch has always been a man of action and of a few words.

There was a time when it looked as though no human leader could win the fight that centered about this man. But it was won. Foch saw the thing through. And America and the world has been honored by having the opportunity to pay homage to him.

But I have in mind a story. It came to me as I saw the thousands surge to get a glimpse of the car that held this standing soldier.

When the world was was at its height the newspapers published the account of a correspondent who went to interview Foch. He was directed to a little French village.

Millions of homes had been rent and tears flowed as freely as the blood of those who gave all that they had. Civilization, over, seemed to be cracking under the strain. The stoutest heart was wondering why it was that God didn't come around and put the contest and its slaughter to an end.

But God was already around. And now people are beginning to understand what their faith was unable to fathom—the reporter met Foch just as he was coming out of an obscure church where he had gone to pray!


The Rock Hill Herald - Apr 25, 1920


FORMATION is always better than reformation. The mended article is never as valuable as the original article. The field neglected and given over to weeds is never so fertile again. In like manner, the cells of a man's Brain, given over to foolish and unprofitable Thought are never so plastic for useful Thought tracks again.

Everything is Easier and Better if always done right—in the first place.

The process of Undoing works havoc, not only upon the Character of the one who Works or Thinks wrongly in the first place, but in many instances upon countless multitudes, while the time spent in Undoing represents an irreparable loss. Every time you start a new duty or piece of work, bring to the front of your Mind this eternal Truth—

Everything is Easier and Better if always done right—in the first place.

If we all could but view our acts in the light of Eternity—not forgetting that a single effort is never lost from Influence, we would set on a guard our most trustworthy Sentinel to warn us against doing things Wrongly in the first place—which always means Undoing for us or somebody afterward. Why not write this down as one of your daily Mottoes—

Everything is Easier and Better if always done right—in the first place.


The Polk County News - Mar 12, 1920

By George Matthew Adams

Probably the greatest Law of Success is Organization. Nothing so marvelously emphasizes the infinite Mind of the Creator of this World, as His wondrous Solar System. Organization means Results—real Triumphs. Before any Man of Business is able to get Results, there must be Organization.

The greater your Organization is, the greater will your Success be.

Every healthy human being is fitted out in the first place with every Factor and Faculty for a powerful Organization. There is your Brain with scores of Elements ready to act in the Organization. There is every member and organ of your Body ready—Waiting and Willing. To win—get all these things into a sound, workable Organization. For—

The greater your Organization is, the greater will your Success be.

If you feel yourself in the position of many a Failure—take heart. Organize yourself! Write down upon a piece of paper every useful Quality you believe yourself gifted with. Plan out how your different Abilities may help each other. Then write down the names of every possible avenue of Endeavor where your Abilities seem most adapted. Give every one of them Something TO DO. Set them to Work. Realize what Organization can do. Realize that—

The greater YOUR Organization is, the greater will YOUR Success be.

The Touch Through Silence

Reading Eagle - Feb 5, 1920

The Touch Through Silence
By George Matthew Adams

The greatest influences in life are the silent ones—those that keep creeping upon and into us.

It is the touch through the silence that opens our eyes and unlocks our best selves to the world.

It was Lincoln who gave new meaning to this thought when he said at Gettysburg that it wouldn't be long before all that was said on that battlefield about its heroes would be forgotten, but that what they did, who fought there, could never be forgotten.

The touch through the silence always ennobles!

Permeating the silent years of all the time that is to be, will the lifegiving of the boys who sleep because of war keep rising from the earth to render warmth and comfort to those who bore them, and undying inspiration to those who are yet to learn of what they gave.

The touth of true art is that which puts gold on the lining of one's heart whether it be the art of word, of pen, or brush, or chisel.

As time goes on, only the good in us lives. But it is the touch throgu the silence that keeps radiating, that makes everything we do have an eternal cast.

Keep Smiling Straight!

The Milwaukee Sentinel - Jan 3, 1919

Keep Smiling Straight!
By George Matthew Adams

If there is anything that should be steady, it's a smile.

For a Smile that just balances its toes, or that olds by its hands, or that has to "hang to" with both hands and feet— well, that simply isn't a regular Smile!

So, when you Smile, keep it on straight.

The Smile that is most liable and sure to stay on straight is the kind that reaches ear to ear. We call that "oar Smile!" Besides, that kind has double advantage—it has an ear at both ends to hang to—thus adding to its permanence and power.

Keep your Smile on straight.

I never see a lop-sided Smile but what I feel like running, I would almost rather see no Smile at all. But the honest, happy, deep, wide, sparkling Smiles—they are not made with hands, but are sort of eternal inspired from blue heavens, lined with Stars.

And such Smiles always stay on straight.

Even though the heart, away deep down, may be bearing a load of loneliness or—something still the true blue Smile kept steady in its place, is able to lead a whole town or state or country—or world!


The Milwauke Sentinel - Dec 27, 1918

By George Matthew Adams

The happiest people in the world are those who KNOW more than they HAVE.

The most fascinating job in existence is to hunt for new things. And no matter where you go, no matter what you look at, there is hidden knowledge—waiting for you to WANT it.

I love to wander into a bookstore or a library and pick out a book from just anywhere and begin to read in it. Many times I have found paths to wonderful discoveries that helped to arouse latent desires on my part from knowledge along lines about which I had never before dreamed.

I like to speculate upon things, too. I see a great tree and at once I think that some time that tree may be a half dozen of chairs in some comfortable home, or a desk or so in some great office, or maybe copies of a great newspaper, or some writing paper on which to write to a friend—just think what a train of thoughts a mere tree may start!

As we grow in years, we change in viewpoint. This gives to life a very happy angle. Because we may go back to the books and scenes of our former years and see new beauties and new wonder.

Keep wanting to know things!

George Matthew Adams

The first thing to bear in mind when you borrow trouble is that you have to pay back what you borrow.

And who wants to be paid back in trouble?

Every day I live I decide in my own mind that this is a good world. I may be wrong in my decision—but in such a case I shall willingly bear the responsibility.

At least, this is no world in which to borrow trouble. There is plenty without borrowing, anyway.

There was a song which originated during the World War that I wish might continue to live. It was about wrapping up your troubles in some sort of a bag and just—smiling! If you will try this out and then open up your bag, I will be one to venture the opinion that there will be no troubles there at all—they will have leaked out!

Bear responsibility, face the music and play the game——but give your working machine a chance to function without borrowing trouble.

Borrowing trouble is much like borrowing money—the more you do borrow, until you are enmeshed in troubles, every one of which looks lke some Gibraltar in size.

david Harum is made to say in Wescott's book of his name, that the reason why a dog has fleas is to keep him from brooding too much on being a dog.

Maybe that is like our having troubles—for we each have plenty of our own-so that we may not brood too much on being better than someone else, and may remember that we are, first and last, human.

But so long as we have troubles, let us not let it be known that we have them! And then they won't be borrowed-or lent.

It was Ella Wheeler Wilcox who once wrote that the earth had to borrow its mirth—but that it had trouble enough of its own!—

Pepper Talks

The Milwaukee Sentinel - Jan 19, 1918

Pepper Talks

I dislike to be dignified. There are too many times when you have to.

I like the man or woman "crammed" with animal spirits. The one who isn't afraid to "make emotions," to laugh out loud, to run, to jump, to climb, to make a lot of noise.

I think that Douglass Fairbanks is one of the most useful men in the world. He has enough animal spirits to furnish a managery. But he is too valuable to be caged up so he gives his time to making people laugh by the million. If anybody gets to heaven, he will.

Did you ever know an old man or woman with animal spirits? I swear there is none such. For animal spirits are not subject to age. Nor age to them.

Most people swallow their animal spirits and die "at a good old age." If you are wise you will get rid of them. And help make this old, war wrecked world the better for your having been around.

Do anything, Climb a tree, run around a block, laugh out loud in church, walk up a twenty stroy building. Better still, work "like sixty" (but be happy in it).

Keep your animal spirits around——forever!


The Day - May 8, 1917


In Beauty are we all agreed. Wherever its mystic Force centers, wherever its magic Fascination hovers, there do all pay willing Homage. For, Beauty is Peace. It is Contentment self-scenting.

Find Beauty and you will find Happiness.

And always, in its last and most satisfying analysis, Beauty is Truth. No harm or Sting ever hid in real Beauty. Once found, it can offer none else than what it itself is—Sweetness and Inspiration. Every day, really, overflows—With Beauty.

Find Beauty and you will find Happiness.

There is Beauty everywhere, if you will but SEE it! The gnarled Tree has Beauty in it. Also, the most despised of men and women have Beauty in them—somewhere—if you will but LOOK for it. The most menial sort of work has grains of Beauty to it, and you wil SEE it there, just the moment you LOOK for it. Simply—

Find Beauty and you will find Happiness.

Happiness in every form is a manifestation of Beauty. The jars of your life come about by your failing to See Beauty as you plod along. The dissatisfaction that comes to you in your work is a hint to you of how you are crowding out the Beauty that's there. Get the Beauty Hunting habit! Very little else counts!


The Day - Feb 16, 1917


There is a deal of valuable life philosophy in the famous phrase of the Street Car Conductor—"Step Lively, Please!" He knows. He is "on the Job." Schedules must be met. The crowds must be kept moving. The minutes must be counted. And so it's—

Step Lively.

The life of each of us is but the snap of a finger after all. There coulb be no better motto for anyone than to Step Lively. Step Lively. Do your work so well today that the one who follows you tomorrow may be able to pick it up where you left off and because of your good works as creditably to pass it on to the one who follows him. Step Lively, though. Life lasts but a little while.

Step Lively.

When an Idea crops out from your Brain, Step Lively, put it to some use, or else tomorrow of a minutes later some other Brain will have hatched the same idea, mayhap. If a noble, unselfish impulse stirs you, Step Lively, enact it. Is your Eye set upon things higher up? Do you see the figures outside your Pay Envelope expanding? Step Lively. Step Lively. The whole world is fond of those who Step Lively, who do not "fall asleep at the switch" and who do not block the Crowds, but who more on, and ever—

Step Lively.

Monday, March 29, 2010


The Deseret News - Jul 24, 1914


It is written somewhere that "Man cannot live by Bread alone." But this didn't mean that he should fill out the remaining portion of his eatable lot with cake and cream puffs. And yet there are scores of people—you come in contact with them daily—who chuckle that you know how to earn and make the Bread and at the same time can come to you for a handout of the side dishes.

As long as this strange, funny old world lasts, there will be those who will want to do nothung more strenuous than Sipping the Foam from the labor of other people.

There is another class of people who can't SEE anything but the Foam and Decorations to the serious things of life. This little talk is not so much for such as they. This talk is for you and me.

Service has its effervescence. It's the sweetness and ease that always follows great effort, but enjoyed mostly by those who have had no part in the service. There is compensation for every good thing performed, but it comes in appreciation and happiness from the worthy. You like to feel that when you do a helpful thing someone is benefited thereby whose very Soul could smile.

The Foam Sippers get to the nerves of us all. That is why you and I should take care that we Sip no Foam from the toil and sacrifice of others, without ourselves being parties to the early hard work. Let us all jump in and have a real part in the making of the Cake with the "Frosting" and Foam. Let us have none of the superficial Foam, however, that a great world of people is constantly "dishing out."

Multiplying Your Power

The Deseret News - Jul 15, 1914

Multiplying Your Power

The trouble with most of us is that too many times we choose for association the Street Corner, rather than the Assembly Room or the Quiet corner in the home of our friend, or the Strong Man in the great crowd. For most men follow the crowd because they have no idea how to lead it.

But if you want to Multiply Your Power, find out—learn what the crowd likes and wants. And just the moment you strike a responsive note the cheers will start, for animation and attention are riveted. Enthusiasm is rampant.

There is nothing like Enthusiasm to Multiply Your Power.

And Enthusiasm comes along the moment you become interesting enough to arouse interest. Interest gone, you go—back to the commonplace. Your power has shriveled up and you are taking orders instead of giving them. So, delight in Enthusiasms. Also, search for diversions. Play toward the unusual and unexpected. For every time you do, you Multiply Your Power, and increase your efficiency.

Excel in at least one thing. Be a Master in at least one Art.

Stay not too long at one job unless that job leads you on. The tyranny of mediocrity will starve the noblest meaning man and make his attempts as but mere hand wavings in the air. "New occasions teach new duties," so also do new ideas and new discoveries and now surroundings pull at the sleeping sources of more Power in any able human and make his abilities and achievement to multiply and grow big and sound.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The Gazette Times - Jun 4, 1914


The human Soul rises in grandeur the minute it thinks in holy Remembrance of those who have rendered great service and gone their way. This is a month when the American Nation turns its thoughts to those whose lives were spent in its behalf over a half a century ago. And whether the brave wore the suit of Blue or of Gray, the love and honor that will be wrapped about their memory will be pure and great.

For the very highest achievement that any man is able to render is that of unselfish Service. The very least you can do for such immortal spirits is to Remember them. And to them honor.

That man will never grow useless who is so constructed that he can Remember the deeds and sacrifices of those who paved the road over which he now securely walks. Life, after all, is but one great big job at which all human beings work. And the more nobly you Remember what the Fighters and Ideal fashioners did before you, the more certain you are worthy add to what they left. Then some day people will want to Remember YOU.

Out of each day Remember the best thing that the day reveals.

Remember. Accumulate appreciation wealth. Wax strong over the strength of those who have made History bright enough for you to read and to glory over. Remember kindnesses. Remember those less fortunate than yourself. Remember you were not always what you are now. And Remember that you are not one-half as great as it is possible for you to be.

Vantage Points

The Deseret News - Apr 6, 1914

Vantage Points

We mould our own characters and fashion our thinking powers and come to our viewpoints through a habit of searching out Vantage Points and building from what we see and learn there.

Do you daily seek out Vantage Points? If you don't, blame no one but yourself for commonplace viewpoints and humdrum feeling and action.

Men climb because they have vision. Vision spreads, it moves farthest from great Vantage Points. But you don't have to be learned or famous or wealthy to search out and take possession of Vantage Points. No matter who you are, you can find them and grow from their inspiration.

Linconln's greater Vantage Point was his poverty and close association with hardship and the simple things. Yours? Think for a minute. And when you come to set them down in your mind review them from day to day as great assets sure to lead you on and up.

Monday, March 22, 2010


The Deseret News - Oct 13, 1913


About the most useless occupation in the world is Fault Finding. Who ever heard of a Happy Fault Finder? If you Find Fault with Conditions that is not going to change the conditions; if you, Find Fault with the kind of Weather God Almighty presents, that is not going to change the Weather; if you Find Fault with your Job; that is not going to select and place before you a different job.

The only time Fault Finding is justifiable is when you Find Fault with your own Faults so as to self correct them.

The chronic Fault Finder is not only valueless but a nuisance. No one wants him around and everyone is depressed by his presence. He is usually and Idler. He is a polite sort of a Criminal, though allowed "at large." Fault Finding always comes from within the one who Finds Fault, though he always insists that outside conditions cause the trouble.

If People and Things were all Flawless—if Conditions were always perfect—all incentive for Growth would be lacking.

When you feel like Finding Fault with Somebody or Something, stop for a moment—and Think! There is sure to be something wrong around your own yard. Find out what it is. Then—the cause for your Fault Finding being removed, you immediately hand in your name as an Applicant for membership in The Optimist's Club. And nobody will "Blackhall" you.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


The Deseret News - September 1, 1913


The salt of the world is sprinkled among those to whom every man and woman delights to go: The Likable People. You know them. You are drawn their way whenever their atmosphere touches yours. They lift and honor Life.

Likableness is one of the real essentials of Leadership--a thing felt because lived.

You meet a Stranger but straightway he becomes your Friend--Likeableness woven into his very makeup makes him a kin to you. You look him in the eye, feel the warm, solid grasp of his hand and know that you can build upon his word.

You walk into a busy office. You face a busy man. But being sincerely Likeable--approachable--you honor his time and his graciousness. You pay tribute to his Character--you do not impose upon his responsibility.

Likeableness is a wonderful asset. It is one of the vital necessities for Success--Success through Happiness and Services. Make yourself Likeable--genuinely so You can--for anybody can.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The Deseret News - Aug 29, 1913


Have you ever noticed that it is the plain, simple things, made up in quality, that cost the most? Go into a furniture store for some favorite piece, pick out a fabric for your clothes, select a piece of jewelry. The fact is there--the plain things cost the most. The reason is this--

Quality loaded down with Tinsel is cheapened. Quality always carries the highest value.

Into nearly every crack and crevice of life, the crave for Tinsel exists. The Unreal is everywhere offering itself for the Real. Imitation talks abroad and is bold. But the Genuine--bereft of Tinsel--cannot be mistaken. It is recognized on sight.

Have the courage to be what you are, and to live happily on what you have. For when you leap beyond this, you acquire Tinsel--mere Sham and Counterfeit. Strong characters never bother about cheap Tinsel--mere trapping to their already big holdings in the Genuine.

Truth and Fact travel always without concern. Brass cannot long pass for Gold. Nor can a man long be what he is not. At night Tinsel may glow but in the light of day it will show for what it is. An explanation will not avail.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Straight Line

The Deseret News - Aug 20, 1913

The Straight Line

There is a world of simple, yet sound philosophy, in our school book axiom that "a Straight Line is the shortest distance between two points." Self-evident as it is, it embodies a wonderfully true principle of Success--something like this--

Have a Central Purpose in life, and then follow it through by The Straight Line route.

Everybody carries a Tag. Some carry it in their Faces, some in their general Attitude, and some in their very walk. But the Tag is there. And it tells to the shrewd student of human nature the exact destination of the holder of the Tag.

Each day as you freshly rise to the performance of new duties, be sure that the first thought of your day is to get into The Straight Line habit by following every worthy Purpose of the day before, and welding it the more strongly to the main and most important Purpose of your life. Do this and all the world will easily read your Tag and know that you travel The Straight Line.

Make The Straight Line a plan second nature to you. When a problem faces you, immmediately Think out The Straight Line solution--then Work it out. No matter how trivial the thing may seem, go through it and apply The Straight Line idea and you will have formed a habit of directness, decision and efficiency sure to hold you in strong hand at any time.

Think and Work in terms of The Straight Line.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


The Deseret News - Jul 15, 1913


This is an age of Brands and Trademarks. You immediately know the Quality and Character of a product as soon as you note its Brand or Trade-Mark. And because this is possible, it means economy, convenience and confidence.

What Brand does your Life represent?

Is it THE "Sunshine" Brand, the "Grouch" Brand, the "Helpful" Brand, the "Unselfish" Brand, the "Thoughtless" Brand, the "Smile" Brand, the "Getthere" Brand, the "Square" Brand--THINK--what is YOUR Brand?

For the Brand is stamped to you, somewhere.

It may be on your Face, maybe in Voice, your Walk may show it, or your Clothes--but the brand is there, somewhere, and even a Child may be able to detect it.

What Brand do you want the world to see on you?

Lincoln carried a Brand. It was "Honest Abe." Such a Brand can never outlive its usefulness. "Thoughtful Charlie." "Do Things Bill," "Shiftless Sam," "Sunny Jim." "Always-Thinking-Of-Others-Maggie"--everyone carries a self-made Brand like these.

What Brand does your Life represent?

Whatever your Brand, be very sure that it really DOES stand for YOU, and the best that you are. If you have never thought of this Brand business, think of it now. And when you have discovered what YOUR Brand is and where you carry it--put your whole Life back of it and make it stand for your largest Ideals. If your Brand is worth while, self advertise it.

Make your Brand really represent the BEST that you are.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The Deseret News - Jul 10, 1913


The most valuable asset that Business has is its Good Will, which is, being interpreted, the accumulated Trust that the world at large may have put into the business. Good Will is also accumulated Confidence.

Add to your Good Will each day.

Perhaps the highest form of Good Will is found in a big man. Recently in a Court of Inquiry in order to learn the true value of The New York World, since the death of its greatest Editor and Owner, Joseph Pulitzer, Arthur Bribane, the noted writer and Publisher, stated that Mr. Pulitzer easily contributed in Good Will to The World, value to the extent of a Quarter of a Million Dollars yearly!

Add to your Good Will each day.

Whenever you do a piece of work to such success that you glory in Pride over it, at such a time you add to your Good Will. When you complete a task that everyone expected you to fail in, you add to your Good Will. Whenver you contribute knowledge or achievement, you add to your Good Will.

Add to your Good Will each day.

Good Will is Character. Good Will is Honor. Good Will is Success! Other things may be replaced but once you lose your Good Will, you have lost it all. Therefore, guard and protect it--but fail not to add to it each day.