Thursday, April 15, 2010


The Polk County News - Mar 12, 1920

By George Matthew Adams

Probably the greatest Law of Success is Organization. Nothing so marvelously emphasizes the infinite Mind of the Creator of this World, as His wondrous Solar System. Organization means Results—real Triumphs. Before any Man of Business is able to get Results, there must be Organization.

The greater your Organization is, the greater will your Success be.

Every healthy human being is fitted out in the first place with every Factor and Faculty for a powerful Organization. There is your Brain with scores of Elements ready to act in the Organization. There is every member and organ of your Body ready—Waiting and Willing. To win—get all these things into a sound, workable Organization. For—

The greater your Organization is, the greater will your Success be.

If you feel yourself in the position of many a Failure—take heart. Organize yourself! Write down upon a piece of paper every useful Quality you believe yourself gifted with. Plan out how your different Abilities may help each other. Then write down the names of every possible avenue of Endeavor where your Abilities seem most adapted. Give every one of them Something TO DO. Set them to Work. Realize what Organization can do. Realize that—

The greater YOUR Organization is, the greater will YOUR Success be.