The Milwaukee Sentinel - Nov 21, 1921

Wars or no wars, the hero will continue to be worshipped.
The reason is plain—we depend upon the outward thrills of life to build the fires of inspiration within us.
The hero becomes a hero because he has put something into the world that we would like to have put there. He has had courage and vision. And he has used his determination to weld these two into a completed task.
I recently stood on the side lines and watched the illustrous hero, Marshal Foch, pass by. Great crowds went wild with enthusiasm. And the simple man acknowledged the plaudits in the most dignified and democratic manner. For it must be remembered that Foch has always been a man of action and of a few words.
There was a time when it looked as though no human leader could win the fight that centered about this man. But it was won. Foch saw the thing through. And America and the world has been honored by having the opportunity to pay homage to him.
But I have in mind a story. It came to me as I saw the thousands surge to get a glimpse of the car that held this standing soldier.
When the world was was at its height the newspapers published the account of a correspondent who went to interview Foch. He was directed to a little French village.
Millions of homes had been rent and tears flowed as freely as the blood of those who gave all that they had. Civilization, over, seemed to be cracking under the strain. The stoutest heart was wondering why it was that God didn't come around and put the contest and its slaughter to an end.
But God was already around. And now people are beginning to understand what their faith was unable to fathom—the reporter met Foch just as he was coming out of an obscure church where he had gone to pray!