Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The Deseret News - Jul 10, 1913


The most valuable asset that Business has is its Good Will, which is, being interpreted, the accumulated Trust that the world at large may have put into the business. Good Will is also accumulated Confidence.

Add to your Good Will each day.

Perhaps the highest form of Good Will is found in a big man. Recently in a Court of Inquiry in order to learn the true value of The New York World, since the death of its greatest Editor and Owner, Joseph Pulitzer, Arthur Bribane, the noted writer and Publisher, stated that Mr. Pulitzer easily contributed in Good Will to The World, value to the extent of a Quarter of a Million Dollars yearly!

Add to your Good Will each day.

Whenever you do a piece of work to such success that you glory in Pride over it, at such a time you add to your Good Will. When you complete a task that everyone expected you to fail in, you add to your Good Will. Whenver you contribute knowledge or achievement, you add to your Good Will.

Add to your Good Will each day.

Good Will is Character. Good Will is Honor. Good Will is Success! Other things may be replaced but once you lose your Good Will, you have lost it all. Therefore, guard and protect it--but fail not to add to it each day.