Thursday, April 15, 2010


The Day - May 8, 1917


In Beauty are we all agreed. Wherever its mystic Force centers, wherever its magic Fascination hovers, there do all pay willing Homage. For, Beauty is Peace. It is Contentment self-scenting.

Find Beauty and you will find Happiness.

And always, in its last and most satisfying analysis, Beauty is Truth. No harm or Sting ever hid in real Beauty. Once found, it can offer none else than what it itself is—Sweetness and Inspiration. Every day, really, overflows—With Beauty.

Find Beauty and you will find Happiness.

There is Beauty everywhere, if you will but SEE it! The gnarled Tree has Beauty in it. Also, the most despised of men and women have Beauty in them—somewhere—if you will but LOOK for it. The most menial sort of work has grains of Beauty to it, and you wil SEE it there, just the moment you LOOK for it. Simply—

Find Beauty and you will find Happiness.

Happiness in every form is a manifestation of Beauty. The jars of your life come about by your failing to See Beauty as you plod along. The dissatisfaction that comes to you in your work is a hint to you of how you are crowding out the Beauty that's there. Get the Beauty Hunting habit! Very little else counts!