Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The Deseret News - Jun 17, 1913


Marriage should be first, last and all the time a Co-partnership. It is firty-fifty clear through or else one is taking more than the other gets, in which case neither secures the highest percentage of returns in Happiness.

A Partnership is no Partnership unless there is equal contribution according to ability.

A business Partnership is of the greatest value where there is Individuality--where there are distinctly separate Abilities. The Partnership between a man and woman in Marriage should be exactly the same. There is a division of Responsibility. For Marriage in its highest form of success is where each Partner makes good in Responsibility.

Each Partner should be glad and willing to share equally in Responsibility.

A business Partnership would not last long with each Partner assuming the duties of the other. Nor would it last long if one Partner should begin to limit or curtail the free Individuality of the other. A Human Being moulded and fashioned after the Ideas of another into a mere Duplicate is of little value to anyone.

The Happies Marriages are those where each admits the freest expression of the other's Personality.

The man who carries to his home the unimportant or trivial cares that infest his day or the woman who greets her husband with the little annoyances and worries of her day does not fulfill the highest agreements of a Partnership.

Grasp with Smiles and Cheer and Enthusiasm the duties that belong to your side of the Partnership. Make good and you will be inspired at the effect of this upon your Partnership in making good.