Monday, September 10, 2012


Just Believe

There is very little difference between success and failure. But that difference means everything, for it's the difference between belief and unbelief.

Believe—and words may pass!

The man who writes a better book, who builds a better building, who contructs a finer machine, who paints a better picture, than anybody else, is the man who first believes that he can do these things better than they have ever been done before.

Would you wipe out the achievements of a Napoleon or an Edison, or a Schwab, or a Whistler, you would first have to wipe out from the hope canopied heart of each of them their belief in ultimate glory.

For belief is the thing that drives a man to his goal. Tell him that he is not going to win, that the path before him is obstructed, and he will turn on you with eyes flashing like 30-karat diamonds and say to you "But I believe!"

You could wipe away the Rocky mountains easier than you could wipe from the brain of an indomitable man his belief, his faith for winning.

For it is the belief that a man carries within him that spurs him on, that trips up every failure along the way and that leads him with a high head and a straight-faced vision for the thing ahead he is going to see done.

If you want to move mountains, if you want to stamp a city somewhere, or put your character between the pages of history: just believe!

From the Milwaukee Sentinel - Mar 4, 1919