Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Gettysburg Times - Apr 13, 1926


The business of life is largely learning just how to live.

And the best way to live is to help others to live. The closer we knit our efforts, our desires and our successes to others, the better we achieve our fondest ambitions.

The late Russell H. Conwell, to my notion, was one of the world's greatest men. He died poor, after having earned and given away millions to others. He left a great university which he founded, and endowed thousands of lives with the new hope, inspiration and education. I heard this man give his famous lecture "Acre of Diamonds" when I was a boy and what he said has given me the great inspiration all through the years.

Conwell knew just how to make people happier and hus geniality, his rare humor and his beautiful unselfishness left this world his debtor far beyond even the millions he so generously gave away.

And just how you take life, too, is a measure of what you get from it.

One tiller of the soil will bring out double what another will. Simply because he just knows how.

The making and keeping of friends is a matter of knowing just how it pays to think, study, observe, plan, and work far in advance—
just so that at the proper moment you may know just how.

You only need a little bit of heaven each day in your heart to make all the people of the earth very much akin to you.